Squamosa problem- Jellylike mucus produced around the byssal gland area


Active member
I have had a Squamosa for a couple of months now and just a couple of weeks ago it started producing a lot of clear but very thick and tough jelly like mucus. I though it might not be happy that it was in the sand so I moved it over a couple of inches to where a gentally sloping rock meets the sand and now a week and a half later the jelly persists and seems to be being produced still. Any Idea what is causing this? It is attaching to the rock. Ca levels are in the 400's and Alk is 4.0.

Any idea's as to what is causing this?

Hiya Jake,

The production of mucus around the byssal openings of tridacnid clams is harmless. It is believed to protect the base of the clam by preventing access to worms, snails etc. and also to prevent contact with irritating substances (such as coral mucus).

The very same thing happened to one of my T. maxima clams when it was first added. I just left it to its own devices. 7 months down the line the clam is looking great and has grown emormously. :)

Thanks for the info. I was espically worried because I had heard that a certain polychete attacks Tridacnids by surroounding the area of attack with mucus and then boring a hole in the shell and eating out the soft tissue inside.
