stream 600 running out?


IÃ"šÃ‚´m from germany, so sorry for my english.

I write here because thereÃ"šÃ‚´s no special tunze forum in germany.

My dealer said that tunze will substitute the stream 6000 for a new one they are developing and which will be ready for selling in winter. He said that he is trying to get one but isnÃ"šÃ‚´t able since 6 weeks.

Instead of the 6000 he is selling the 6100 for same price as the smaller one.

Is this true or just wrong information?

Your dealer is wrong. He probably has had some trouble getting the 6000 as Tunze has been still focused on backorders for the 6100. In the fall we will release the 6200 but this Stream produces 20,000l/h and is only for very large aquariums.
Hello Roger

You are right. I found out today that it was a wrong information. He seemed just want to make a deal and doesnÃ"šÃ‚´t wanted me to buy somewhere else.

None the less-thanks for your reply.

Are there any specs for the 6200's yet and estimated costs? There would be an electronically controllable pump correct? And are the units expected to be high electric consumption pumps (I live in California)?

Thanks in advance.
The 6200 will produce 20,000l an hour. We have some prototypes but they are still playing with circuitry and transformer configurations. It will be electronically controllable and is intended for 300 gal plus set ups. I cannot even guess at a price at this time it should be ready in November. As for wattage I cannot say- definitely comparable to what we make already in efficiency.