Stream not working


New member
Hi Roger,

I'm not a US customer, but you're the only person associated with Tunze that I know of. Instead of typing it all out again, I'll post the thread where I've been having a discussion about my Stream not working. It starts about 8 replies down on the first page. Basically I've cleaned the pump a number of times, taken the impellor assembly apart, made sure it's spotless, and the pump still isn't working. A couple of times when I've tried to restart it it's worked for about 8 seconds, but then it jams and the alarm goes off again (this isn't the normal delay before the alarm kicks in, I actually see it creating water movement, then it stops, and then the alarm goes off.)

Any ideas?

Also make sure the top bearing (collar) is firmly inserted.

Make sure the brakes freely ratchet in and out.

Inspect the magnet for cracks- this will stop the Stream from working, a cracked magnet is 2 magnets and will not spin.

At any rate- a new drive unit will 100% solve this problem. Barring that make sure all the parts are clean and move freely and properly installed. What you describe indicates 100% that the motor itself is fuctioning so it is a small problem you are having and one that is repairable.

The bottom bearing is clean and freely rotates, and the breaks are fine. No cracks that I can see, but my eyesight is rubbish. :) What I'm going to do is tomorrow I'll take the pump to a friend and use his drive unit in my pump. If it works, I'll buy a new drive unit.

Check one more thing- the top bushing- make sure no sand or debris is under it and then rotate it 180 degrees and reinsert it. This will usually do it.

Well, went to my friend's house tonight and tried my impellor/propellor in his pump. The pump worked. What do you think?
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Did you try his drive unit in your pump? An electrical fault should have happened immediately- basically your pump shouldn't have worked the day you bought it and since they test everyone before it leaves twice it is extremely rare that this would happen. You get an alarm so that tells me the driver is functioning properly. Obviously the transformer works or you wouldn't get that far. In my experience the drive units can swell under certain conditions- strong acids or bases. Sometimes the top bushing just doesn't seat right because of a piece of sand or some wear to the piece. I have to believe that it is the drive unit and most likely it is something with the top or botttom bushing/bearing. Either they have swollen from some exposure either in cleaning or in the tank from a chemical. Or they are mechanically worn beyond usefulness.
Unfortunately I couldn't try his drive unit in my pump, because of the way he's hardwired his pump (I didn't take my transformer.)

I think I'll replace the whole drive unit anyway, and see what happens.
Roger, about how much does a new drive unit cost? I'm on a waiting list for a 6100 stream kit, and it might be a good spare to keep on hand. I have spares for all of the other "life support", and it has definitely been handy. You know, something always freezes up/breaks/leaks the day before you are going on vacation!
thanks, Mike
Time for an update. I've now tried an entirely new drive unit in my pump, and it still jams, which says to me there's a problem with the pump. What do you think?
It would be very odd since it worked for 8 months I believe you said in the other forum. If you installed every new component that came with the drive unit and made sure the magnet cavity was wet before you started it and still had no success at this point I think I would return it to

Tunze Aquarientechnik GmbH
Seeshaupter StraBe 68
D-82377 Penzberg Germany

They usually turn these things around pretty quick. Include a note with the return address and description of problem and any required customs forms. A receipt is very useful too, though the production code is used if you don't have one. I understand shipping from Britain to Germany is not too terribly expensive. Unfortunately, I am out of ideas. I can see two other possibilities but one is unrepairable and the motor block will need to be replaced but I can't understand how this would happen 8 months later, such a problem usually shows up immediately and only rarely could make it past the factory tests. The other would result from a tuning error on the driver and this is simple to fix for someone who knows how. It is possible that when new the driver was tuned OK but was a bit sensitive and now that their is some wear to the magnet cavity it always thinks it is running dry or not spinning and a simple recalibration would be required.