Sudden Death: Clam kills emperator angel


Premium Member
The pics say it all! This incident happened several wks ago. I got the angel for about 3 wks, and then got the clam a wk later. The angel nipped on the clam once in a while, but not so often, and the clam seemed to get used to it: retract a little bit when the angel passed by and wide open immediatley after that.. but then one night, rite in front of me, the angel had gone too deep into theclam meat and the clam close so fast and it got the angel.. I tried to open the clam to save the angel w/ no avail since it's so strong and tight.. i had to give up! i was stunted watching the clam keep the angel straight up like that for hours and only released the dead body the next morning!!!
Ouch That looks like it hurts :eek: I have'nt had anything like that happen with fish but I watched my squamosa launch hermits up into the canopy.
ya, i was always afraid my angel would kill my clam, never think such a slow clam could catch and kill such an agresive, fast and active and of course beautiful angel like that!
I would have pried it open with a screwdriver. I couldn't have watched it go down that way. Sorry for your loss.

There goes $50+ down the drain.

That is a crazy picture. Thanks for sharing. I should be more careful with my fingers when I move my clams around.

Incredible. Sorry for the loss.

that is crazy! i have never seen anything like that, but i guess the angel got what was comin to him, shouldnt have been a bully :D
Wow, you don't see that one every day. Man, it is definitely a jungle out there.

Launching hermits into the canopy sounds hilarious, but probably a near coronary for you if there are MH lights up there too.