Suggestion for people around Western NY, SE Ontario

I would like to make a suggestion for an attraction that I think EVERYONE in the family can enjoy...
The Niagara Falls Butterfly Conservatory.
This place is AWESOME! Where else around can you see giant reflective BLUE Morpho butterflies flit around, and perhaps even land on you?!!! It's literally a jungle inside!
I'm always surprised at the number of folks in the area that are unaware of this very special place!
You simply MUST check it out!
PS: It's especially great to visit on a sunny yet frigid winter day!
The sunshine makes the butterflies more active, and you will have to shed your winter clothes- it's always WARM inside!
So, um... Can't wait to see how you fit reefs or water into this thread! lol

Took the family up last year just to see that place (and hit the NT LFS's). Personally, there could have been more butterflies the day we were there, but it was pretty cool, and the gardens were spectacular.

I think it took about 15 minutes to drive north of the falls on the road that follows the river. Just up the road from the helicopter launch pad (a cool touristy thing I haven't done yet)
Playfair said:
So, um... Can't wait to see how you fit reefs or water into this thread! lol

Took the family up last year just to see that place (and hit the NT LFS's). )
I guess I've made everyone wait long enough for a reply.
Everyone that lives in this area will generally acknowledge that when it comes to tourism and Niagara Falls, NY state has missed the boat. Niagara Falls, Ontario, is where the action is.
Attractions bring in tourist dollars.When is the last time you spent a buck in the Rainbow Center {NY} mall? Could you name any attractions on the NY side of the falls? Maybe Goat Island, or the Factory Outlet Stores...Love Canal is a short drive away.
I'm not trying to place blame on anyone specifically, just raise some awareness. I personally see no sense in 'Casino Cloning' on the NYS side of the falls. A couple of years ago I heard of a proposition to build a {new} public aquarium in Niagara Falls, NY.
I thought this might be one of the better ideas ever suggested. What ever became of this one? I've heard nothing regarding the subject in the past year or so.

Me and the wife went to MarineLand the day before Keith's meeting and when we came back through, we noticed that they were constructing the aquarium. Don't ask me how far along they are as I only saw the privacy fencing up with the advertisements on the outside.
next time any of you guys are over on the good side of the border:D Give me a call and feel free to come see my tank etc. I am located only 15 minutes or so depending on how fast or slow you drive, from niagara falls, or 20 minutes from either of the falls bridges.

905 685 3635
My Daughter has been beggging me to go. She loves butterflys especially after we bought her the kit to raise them from catipellars. We also like the butterfly house at Wesley island in 1000 Island SP. You may also be interested to know the Strong museum is adding a large butterfly exhibit due to open in June I believe. I imagine we will be going to Niagra sometime in the next few weeks. I doubt she can wait till spring for me to plant the butterfly garden so that she can see them.

I agree. Azra and I had a GREAT time, when I saw it this past year on vacation. We had a hotel in the falls, and went up to Toronto for the day, went to the indoor bird center... :)
Great Times! We got some incredible pictures too.
The Butterfly Conservatory was the second most favorite thing we did.
The first?
Wow, didn't realize the thread was this old. We've taken the kids to Niagara Falls a few times but like Gary said always stayed on the Canadian side.

Took an entire Brownie troop (15 girls, ages 7-9) to the Niagara Aquarium to spend the night a few years back. We then took them all on Maid of the Mist and shopping on the Canadian side. That weekend was a lot of fun but very tiring. I didn't realize girls could talk so much or so long.

Went with my husband a few years ago for work and stayed on the American side. Walked around to find someplace to eat, no luck, asked a policeman if there was anyplace good to eat and his response was: Yeah, there's a Denny's over there and a hot dog stand down there.

Have any improvements been made to our side?

Old bump but well worth it
I'll try to stay out of the debate over American side - Canadian SIde - not much of a contest
the Butterfly conservatory is Awesome - Well worth the trip but you need to take your time, you could walk through in a couple of minutes and miss a lot.

Thanks for the reminder - I need to get back up there with the kids

PS - Slightly more expensive (okay alot) but Splash Lagoonin the winter in Erie (indoor water park) is fun too :o)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6904864#post6904864 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by polabear627

PS - Slightly more expensive (okay alot) but Splash Lagoonin the winter in Erie (indoor water park) is fun too :o)

I started a thread on this earlier. I just found out about it last week and am planning a trip over April break with the kids. Can't wait.


P.S. Gary's not on, must of got dragged in to watch American Idol with the wife! :lol:
geez, there's another twin tier person. living right off 17/86 has some advantages for such excursions
I got syck watchignidol also. But I kept the lap top with me so I could keep updated on here lol.I will admit I can not help but to love that last girl that was on tonight. Scott
This is my first season of American Idol. I love it! I love Kellie (the last girl) but I thought Mandisa was awesome tonight! :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=802464#post802464 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Gary Majchrzak
A couple of years ago I heard of a proposition to build a {new} public aquarium in Niagara Falls, NY. [/B]

This aquarium is pretty much dead. They dug a big whole and put up a nice fence with pictures of marine life on it. That was like 5 years ago! It still looks the same now...

I kind of like that hot dog place by the Rainbow Bridge. They have a good selection of food besides hot dogs and itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s nice to sit on a bench and eat. Itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s also a lot less touristy than the Hard Rock etc are. I usually stop by there and then at the big ice cream cone shop on the way back from the falls.

I'll have to check out the butterfly conservatory some time, sounds like a good date idea.