sump help


In Memoriam
i am setting up my sump and this is what i have:


The skimmer will be too large to fit in the end section on the right side. I can either make another section in the middle (refugium section) which will make the refuge section 15"L x 24"W x 8"H. the skimmer will dump in the end section (11 x 24 x 8).

Or, I can remove the end section and make it larger to accompass the skimmer.

what do you think?

btw, this is on a 636g reef.
I'd just redo the last section. 24" is a lot of depth so i wouldn't be real worried about losing the couple inches it would take to fit the skimmer.
thanks fat tony. that's what I was thinking. any good way of removing a piece of glass siliconed into place?