Sump layout


New member
I'm planning on taking out my wet/dry and making a sump out if a 20L. Please let me know what you think of my layout. I took advantage at petco and got the tank for $20 :)


I'm making the change for easy access in regards to maintenance of the filter system and I will now be able to add a fuge.
That's how I have mine. I have a line coming off the return that feeds the fuge. It's a popular layout. You may be able to add another inch or so to the fuge baffle height. I plunked out and made mine kinda short for a larger margin of error.
as long as your sump can handle the overflow from your tank in case of a power outage and your skimmer sections water level stays constant then it's good to go....when i had a little fuge i liked having it in the middle section personally so the water got skimmed first then hit my fuge then pumped back..that way i only needed to run my over flow to my skimmer section itstead of splitting it to run into 2 sections or running two returns.... but it's personal preference really and as long as your giving yourself room to grow when you add more equipment then your good
That's how I have mine. I have a line coming off the return that feeds the fuge. It's a popular layout. You may be able to add another inch or so to the fuge baffle height. I plunked out and made mine kinda short for a larger margin of error.

Thats why I made it that short, In case I have a power outage I don't want any issues.