sunburst (fathead) anthias


Premium Member
i am considering getting a fathead anthia but i heard they are hard to keep, or difficult to feed? please feed me all the info about this fish as possible? i know they are a deep water fish so will my halides be too much? thanks in advance for the input
IME, they are not difficult to keep or feed. Just super shy, at least at first. Mine would only come out when food fell in front of it. Kind of annoying for this really expensive fish to always hide. The ones at the Long Beach aquarium, however, are out all the time (though they still hug the rocks more than the other anthias in the tank).

Mine is finicky but is coming around. He is starting to eat frozen squid. He does come out in the open quite regularly (i have 2x 250w halides in a 110) but he does have his cave he likes to hang out in too.