t.crocea mantle pulled away from shell


New member
purchased a crocea 2 weeks ago .things were great he attached opened and closed and every day more mantle seen.i feed my tank dt's every other day and my other clams are doing great under vho liting.the other day i noticed after adding some acro frags near him he had spun on his foot then the next day found him upside down on the bottem of the tank.repositioned him on rock and he was down upside down again.put him in a nook where he could expand with out any neighbors near and 4 hrs later his shell has opened and mantle is pulled back from edges of shell by 1 cm.this clam is about 2.5" long.is he checking out.i feel bad because i pride myself on good husbandry but something was bad in his immediate environment.this doesn't look good .is there anything to do but theraupetic neglect.any input appreciated.thanks beach.
Hey beach, sounds like your clam might be passing to clam heaven. :( Sometimes clams just die. There are a myriad of possibilities that could have contributed to his early demise. Here are a few of the more common ones:

1.) Inability to adapt to new environment.

2.) Excessive stress from shipping.

3.) Protozoal infections.

You have absolutely no control over these factors, and so it is important to remember when buying clams that one, two, or even 3 clam deaths does not mean you have done something wrong. It is simply the nature of live molluscs. When dealing with large numbers of individuals, these losses are insignificant. But when it is your single specimen or among a few, it is easy to fault yourself.

Don't worry though.... clam heaven is a wonderful place from what I understand. I have a few up there myself.
thanks for the response cromax.woke up with a big head from to much new yrs and an empty shell.the reef creatures took him out and ate him.the other clams doing well .happy new yrs.beach