T-Max clam not opening


Premium Member
I have a T-Max clam. First had problems with it falling over. Started to feed Dt's Phytoplankton and propped it up with some rock. Now it's staying right up but hasn't opened for about 4-5 days!
Check to make sure that you haven't wedged it shut with the rock.

Did you try to direct-feed it DT's? If so, please do not do that. Just putting the DT's in the water column is enough. Clams cannot be directly fed.
Thanks for your reply...HELP!!! I put the DT"s directly over the clam. That's when it stopped opening. It can't be wedged between the rock because I just put one rock on the side it was falling. I confess...Now what do I do? Did I kill it or make it sick? I feel so bad, is there anything I can do to help it? Thanks :(
It appears that this and your prior problem may be related. The max wouldn't stay put, and when you made it stay in one place it won't open. It's hard to tell with the limited info about lighting and water motion, but I'd guess it doesn't like it's location. Light may be too dim/intense, there could be something over it creating shadows making it close in defense, or water motion could be too high. If it's been closed for five days there's nothing to be lost at this point by experimenting with it's location. It took about three moves over three days to find the right spot for my crocea. (another post on this forum).

I'm going to try to move it again. It may be in an area where it gets too much water motion. It is in a spot that the fish seem to like now. Maybe there's too much traffic for him. My lights are 2 10,000K MH and 2 175 W actinics. Hope I can get it to open soon! Testing all water parameters tonight just to be sure! Thanks for your help!
I feel like I'm becoming quite a pest with this clam problem! But, I am grateful that you all are trying to help me. Now I just tried to move this guy and he has fastened himself to the rock that is under the sand under him and I don't want to force him off. I still havn't seen his mantle for 5 days but when I tried to move him, he closed shut tight as he could so I know he's not dead! :) At least I didn't kill the poor guy. Any ideas? Maybe just wait!?! How often should I add phytoplankton to the tank? I have been adding it every other day.
cat23 said:
Any ideas? Maybe just wait!?!

Yes, I think that would be best.

How often should I add phytoplankton to the tank? I have been adding it every other day.

Sounds good to me. Just don't feed too much at each feeding. Also, don't target feed it. Just pour it into a high flow area in the tank.
You don't want to try moving an attached clam, so try to change it's environment.

Blow up some sand around it (not too much)and watch to see if it's in strong current. If it is, rearrange the rock,adjust the powerheads or returns, or move a coral to break up the current.

You can temporarily reduce the light by putting tinted glass or even a board on the top of the tank to create a lower light area for the clam. I know that they're high light animals, but in my case moving my clam to lower light solved the problem. If light is the issue you can try to slowly acclimate it to higher light by gradually reducing the amount of shade.

Hi Agu,

First of all, thanks for staying with me on this one.
No way am I going to pull that clam off the rock, don't worry. I re-directed the power heads a little so the water flow is not going too close to him. I do have to admit, I have alot of water flow in the tank but it's mostly directed at the surface. This weekend I'll try to rearrange the rockwork a little to give it a little relief from the lights. I thought they needed all that light!
I replaced my 400w mh's last week and not only the clam but at least three other corals reacted badly to the increased light. They need the light, but they also need to be acclimated. It's just like you getting a sunburn the first warm day in the spring, and the same exposure in late summer has no effect.

Wait a day to see if reduced water flow has an effect before making any other changes.

fwiw, imo, etc,

btw, I thought my clam was a goner, but it's opened and looks as good as ever. It's tough watching something that you think is dying and not knowing what to try.
Cat did you say that your Specific gravity was 1.026????

if it's that high that might be a problem in itself. reef tanks normaly do not like specific gravity that high. try doing a water change to lower it

this might sound kinda crazy but, also your 175w 10,000k's may not be enough. i was having lots of trouble keeping anything higher quality than a T. derasa under a 175w 14000k and i have the grave yard in my room to prove it. i now have 250w Iwasaki's and i have 2 ultra grade T. Maxima's flourishing at the top of my tank.

These might be your probs
APynckel said:
Cat did you say that your Specific gravity was 1.026????

if it's that high that might be a problem in itself. reef tanks normaly do not like specific gravity that high. try doing a water change to lower it

I disagree. Thirty five parts per thousand is about equal to 1.026 sg. This is perfect IMO.

this might sound kinda crazy but, also your 175w 10,000k's may not be enough. i was having lots of trouble keeping anything higher quality than a T. derasa under a 175w 14000k and i have the grave yard in my room to prove it. i now have 250w Iwasaki's and i have 2 ultra grade T. Maxima's flourishing at the top of my tank.

On this I definitely agree. I had the same experience. Gotta love them Iwasaki 250w halides! :)
Hey Guys!
Now wait a minute! I'm getting confused here...I really want to keep this clam so if I have to get 250w MH bulbs, then so be it, but then what about the "sunburn" deal with too much light?

Today, I covered the area where the clam is with cardboard just to shade it a little.

I think my SG is right on as well. I've kept it at this point for a long time. Where do you keep yours?
i keep mine at 1.023

you do not have to get 250w's but it would benifit you tremendously. clams and other corals love them. as long as you move all of your corals near the bottom and slowly move them up they won't get burned. that's what i did with mine.

If you do get 250w MH's go with 6700k Iwasaki's. THEY ARE THE BEST MH'S EVER MADE!! And get either some 96 w PC's or some super actinic VHO's to bring out the color of your corals/clams.

So are you saying I should replace my 175W 10,000K MH with 250W? Also, wouldn't 10,000K be better if I am to replace it? If so, couldn't I just replace one (the fixture has 2 MH and 2 flourescents), then I'd be able to keep the corals that demand more light on one side and others on the other side? Lighting always confuses me!
My tank is always kept at 35 PPT.

You don't have to get 250w halides, but they sure would help. In my experience clams do so much better under more intense lighting then 175w halides can provide. Also be sure to feed the tank phytoplankton (i.e. DT's, instant algae, etc.) if your clam is under 4 inches in length.

I would also recommend a book for clam keepers, "Giant Clams" by Daniel Knop. A great addition to one's personal library.


P.S. Iwasaki bulbs are 6500k not 6700k. :)

I got the book...Have been reading all day. After blowing the sand out from under him, I could move him. He is now sitting high up on a flat shelf rock in the tank. Not really where I wanted it but guess what!?1 I can finally see the mantle. Today was the first day in over a week that I saw his beautiful blue mantle. Not much, but some.
I guess I'm going to have to upgrade my lighting to 250W. How many "K" though? I only got this light in January and already am upgrading the bulbs. I hope this works! Do you think replacing one is a good idea or should I just replace both bulbs at the same time?
Thanks for your help!

[Edited by cat23 on 05-20-2001 at 06:20 PM]