are you over driving your t-5's? we had andy from icecap come down to the lira club meeting and give a demonstration on t5 lighting. if you over drive you can getmore light out of them. like running 80 watts threw the 54 watters. he was telling us that they have been doing that to t5 bulbs for the last 18 months and the t5 only loses 10% output. you may want to try that.
wouldn't he be able to keep the harder clams then?
Thanks for the help! I am not sure if I am over driving them at this point. I have a workhorsr 7 and 5 running the t5's so there I believe 220watts for the 7 and I am not sure with the 5. I have three t5's on the 7 and 2 on the 5. I have r0om for three more T5's in the hood I built but need to wait for another pay check. I have a pic but it will not let me add( says that it is to large)
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