Tank breakdown


New member
I have a lot going on this year between my works contract being in somewhat jeporday and possibly moving, among other things, I am going to be breaking down my tank... If the contract goes well and we do move into a new place.. I am going to do a custom job and put a lot of effort into it. But as it stands right now I can not provide my tank with the care it needs and with summer coming it will take a toll with the heat. So here goes....

I would not mind selling my tanks... I have a 55 and a 29 tall, I will take best offer for those. and most likely my lights. 4x54w t5s... they were cheap so i am guessing 150$ for the lights or best offer. The bulbs have about 6 months on them. All my live stock would be gratis so come get what you want, if it is not all gone by next sunday... it will go back to the ocean...

I have 2 clowns and 2 cleaner shrimps. the clowns are paired with anems... all the live rock rubble you could handle :) brittle stars, 2 speckled stars. a couple of smaller urchins... there is a pistol shrimp in there somewhere. everything else is included in pics below:











Well, let me know if you are interested in anything... my sands in good shape, the rocks are great.... The tanks healthy, i just don't want that to change :(. Call me if you are interested in anything...

I might be interested in the lights, and I am always game for some new coral!!!

Those anenomes might be a little much for my tank right now though. The guy at ACO would take those anenomes...dont take them to the ocean...
Yeah, good point on ACO taking them. I've never broke down a tank before and i know the anems foot themselves pretty good. I hate to see this go, so much work and so nice. but next time it will be a master piece :). The one anem is about 10-12" in diameter... estimation of course... and ready for fragging. the other is between 6-8".
Sorry to hear you have to break it down Don. Hopefully everything works out and you can do it bigger and better!

ALL ZOOS!!! Now your talking my language Don!

Sorry that it's got to go away for now. Let me know if you need anything. I'll ask around the office, I know there are a few people looking for tanks.

Are the tanks glass or acrylic?

If you really want zoos. I'll send some to you. Talk with Dana about his next trip to Okinawa. Last time he was here he bought a bunch of zoos from a local shop (500 yen in Okinawa - 10,000 yen in Tokyo) they packed it all up. We repacked it with more stuff and he carried it home on the plane. If you don't want to wait for Dana's next trip I could go down there and pick some stuff for you and have them overnight it to you. Talk with Dana and let me know.

last time i waited for his trip he came back crying, "it was cold. i was shivering". LOL :) j/K dana. i will work with him and talk to him tomorrow after school lets out he already said he is going to help me out with some frags. I just would really like a tank full of zoos. to me the more the better. i love those things.
Hey Don, you mind if I come by tommorow and grab some of that coral from you. Might grab some LR as well...
Hey Don, I think the # you have listed is incorrect or something. Give me a call 090-6770-3258...ill be in your area around 630...ish

yeah, some old Japaneese lady didnt appreciate my calls I guess. I think I got cursed out in Japaneese or something.

Anyways, I dont know what your schedual is like today, but if you dont mind me swinging by your house after 'work' (around 4:30) and you dont mind me being in cammies, I brought my tub with me and some water. LMK

If not, I guess I can come up this weekend and grab it.
sorry, work has been crazy. I'm off tomorrow thru wednesday. I'd don't mind if you come over on any of those days. just give me a call.
My wife is trying to get here day off swapped for wednesday. I think brett is going to stop by to get some stuff then. anytime your ready, i'm off until thursday, give me a call.