tank crash


New member
I have had my tank up and running for over a year. In Jan. it crashed because i went on vacation and the person who was suppose to take care of it didnt. It is a 10 gal nano, so i lost basicallyeverything and tryin to heal those that did survive. I was wondering does the tank go through a whole new cycle, like it does when you first start a tank...because i have a huge algea growth even tho i do my weekly cleaning. I am so disappointed that it crashed. any advise will help...thank you
It should be a mini cycle in my opinion because your tank should have an established amount of beneficial bacteria (unless your tank crash was horrible). What are your water parameters? They should tell you what you need to do. I'd assume you'd just need to do a large water change and then keep testing your water. Hope this helps.
Should go much faster this time. I'd use all my equipment, lights, heater, et al, in a regular cycle, and test often. Just start over with a new cleaning crew and build the ecosystem from the bottom up.