tank for sale


New member
Hey guys,
My hubby has not been too good at keeping up with our tank lately so we are going to go ahead and say goodbye to the hobby for awhile. We have a great 35/40 gal tank & stand for sale. It also includes..... protein skimmer, lights, heater, powerbox filter (you will need to get new hoses at make man for this because ours were covered in algea so bad we didnt want to pass that on to you), powerhead, and a bag full of small accessories like a chemical test kit and such. We already got rid of the livestock so the tank is empty and ready to be used at a new home.

We posted two pictures from when we had the tank seet up, you can see them at www.flickr.com/photos/16997654@N04/ We are asking $150. You can email us at Okidivers234@yahoo.com

