Tank of the Month - December 2002


Premium Member
This month we are featuring Martin Lakin's (AcroporaUK) awesome 370 gallon mixed coral reef tank:

More details can be found here or by clicking on the picture above.

Congratulations, Martin!
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Fascinating set up. I was amazed that you had 7 tangs in your sump! along with a few other fish.

That PS looks really big, and I'm not even sure what that phosphate reactor is for. (I assume it is to remove them, right?)

Your lighting solution is interesting. Why do you have to draw a shade at night, if it is dark?

Beautiful set up, thanks for sharing your personal thoughts about your reef as well as reef-keeping in general!
Hi all,

Thanks for your kind comments, just want to add a few things,

The phosphate reactor is to remove phosphate.

The blind which is drawn at night on the sky light has a number of functions.

Firstly it keeps the tank dark in the summer mornings, which would normally start to illuminate the tank at say 4.00 in the morning. Secondly, it helps keep the heat in during the winter nights.


I hate this idea of tank of the month thing...and you people that have big tank and good lighting...makes me frustrated cuz I can't have a tank like that YET.....;)

Nicely done...great tank and corals...really cool set up...awsome.
Could you confirm the dimensions of the tank again? Because it looks like there might be mistake, or my math is off. :confused:
Yep, my mistake. The correct dimensions are: 66"L x 24"H x 54"D. This makes it approximately 370 gallons (not including the sumps).
why is the new tank of the month already on-line but the magazine not? i really donÃ"šÃ‚´t understand. i need reefkeeping on-line magazine. ehehhe. great tank btw
Beautiful tank ... Great setup, well planned. You managed to put together an awesome looking mix of soft and hard corals. The setup is great, love how you have that whole wall of electrical equipment. Shows that you definately were thinking about this setup.

Great tank of the month.
Eduardo: we still have a couple of pages to be built. I am keeping my fingers crossed that both of our other webmasters are Ok, since I haven't heard from them in days. Sorry for the delay.
Congratulations Martin, you have a very beautiful slice of the ocean in your house... Your attention to detail is amazing...


What kind of light are you putting over your sump where you grow the frags on the Mcflurry sticks?