Tank of the Month June 03'


New member
Hi Marko!

Very impressed with your tank set up! The fact that you have gotten Acropora to spawn is also amazing. You obviously are doing something right! Keep it up!

Question: I visited the link that you gave for the Plankton Reactor but the language presents somewhat of a barrier for me! Anyway, how can I find out about ordering this unit? Do they have an Enlish version of the site? I really like the set up and have not personally set one up yet because I really don't like the "Bottle" DIY versions. This seems like a good alternative to me. So, any info that you can supply would be appreciated. I would even be willing to purchase the unit from you if you could get it more easily and then ship it to me.

Thanks in advance. Really love your tank, IT'S JUST AMAZING!!


I was able to find the english version of that site reactor
I e-mailed the company last week, and am waiting a reply. The company is based in Germany, so worst case I'll have a friend in Germany get it for me.

Good Luck,

Could you give a brief description of your Calc Reactor setup I have not seen one that was built with a soda bottle before. How did you come up with this design.

Awesome Tank, I was wondering the idea behind the hanging frags..do they grow up the string, or attatch to the glass, or are they just out of the way? anyways beautiful tank. and thanks in advance

wow, amazing reef marko. really impressive with what you have accomplished. also amazed at how the fungia has reproduced all along your tank bottom. great job.


I must compliment you on having a reproducing fungia. They look fantastic.

I'm sure it would be horribly expensive, but how much would it be to ship one of them to the US? I would love to buy a small one for my nano-reef.