A nearly deafening shout-out to all responsible for an honor like this; in particular Skip who took my virtual shoebox of words and pictures and made them into something spectacular. Thanks for all the nice words regarding the tank, the website (now updated), and for the show. To answer a few questions:
I don't know when they show will be available on DVD. That's up to a bunch of lawyers and business affairs people I never met. Therefore, it's safe to assume that it should be out about five seconds after one of the former cast is arrested on a captial crime.
They run that E thing a lot (the interview was taken over a year ago) so all I can tell you is to keep checking the tv guides.
melev: It would be tough to tell my story in one reply unless the moderators don't mind a reply that's a few hundred pages long. Suffice it to say right here that I wrote and produced TV comedies for 20 years. And while I am most known for MWC, I was also involved in "Good Times", "Sanford", "The Jefforsons" (which I wrote & produced for 5 seasons), "Silver Spoons" (Co- created), "227" (Co-created under an assumed name...long story in and of itself), and "It's Your Move", a short lived NBC show starring Jason Bateman that the observant will recognize as a precursor to "Married".
Trivia Question: Which two "Hollywood" producers majored in Marine Biology in college? A. Me and the creator of "Spongebob Squarepants".
But back to reefing: WHOOOOHOOO!!! This is an incredible honor for me. Again, thanks to all who made it possible.