Tank of the Month - May 2003

Let me be the first to congradulate you Ken!

Awesome tank, could you wedge any more corals in there?;)

:thumbsup: Wow! Very beautiful indeed! It's nice to see a smaller tank as TOTM. Gives me hope for my 20. :) I love the powerhead overgrown with zoo's, very cool!!
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Beautiful tank, beautiful pictures, awesome reef...

Congratulations! Well done!

Very cool! At first sight I was sure it was a 90 tall or something. Then I saw the clowns and it looked more in porportion. You have an amazing varietyof corals too!

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Amazing tank,
Congrats...dont forget to thank the Academy & God & your lovely wife who's been with you through everything.........:)
Congratulations! As I read your summation, a number of questions popped up in my head, but now I can't remember them all.

Two maximas under what most would consider miinimal lighting?! Way to go!

How much longer will that powerhead keep going? I was wondering from the first picture on that page what those Zoos grew over, but I never thought it was a powerhead.

How are you handling your reverse lighting? Is the room dark all day long so the fish & corals can sleep?

Beautiful specimens!
VERY impressive tank. I keep looking at the pictures and it looks more like a 90 gallon as mentioned above, maybe larger like a 125.

Keep up the excellent work! A well deserved Tank of the Month!

Rock Anemone:D
I guess I read it wrongly. I saw 4x40w bulbs. 160w?


ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ Four 40 watt fluorescent tubes (currently a mix of Coralife 50/50's and 10,000K's) on a Coralife electronic ballast, plus one 96 watt 6,700K compact fluorescent; shared by the main tank and the propagation tray.
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ One 18 watt compact fluorescent and one 15 watt regular fluorescent over the algae tank.

Oops. Now I see it now that I've quoted it. That extra 96w bulb wasn't there the first time I read this! :lol:
Congratulations Ken. I knew you will make it to the TOTM! I've seen Ken's system in person, and there is absolutely ZERO bare space in his tank - it is packed full of life. He should have posted a picture of his powerhead, it is completely covered with zoo's (all you see is the spray nozzle). Ken, if you could add more pictures, I would include one of your powerhead! Good job.

He should have posted a picture of his powerhead, it is completely covered with zoo's (all you see is the spray nozzle).
Jimbo: look a lil closer, bud. It's there. :D Right above the coral list.