Tank of the month - October 2002


Premium Member
This month we are featuring Chuck Fiterman's (MtnDewMan) awesome 75 gallon reef:

More details can be found here or by clicking on the picture above.

Congratulations, Chuck!

A very deserving tank! I think my favorite was the black maxima, what a beautiful clam!

Congratulations Chuck!

Great article, you have an awesome set-up...



I knew your day in the sun was coming soon.....Chuck you have been providing us with some awesome EYE candy lately and I for one appreciate your time you put into your tank as well as your presentation of it! Definately well deserved! Thanx for being a inspiration :)
Thanks everyone. I try to make it a nice tank to show off in my living room. I have learned everything about reefkeeping here on Reef Central just about, so everyone here has helped me put it together. I hope that I give back some of what I learned here :)

Thanks again ...


I knew this one was going to be TOTM at some point!!! Very, very beautiful! I cannot belive how much amazing color you have in that 75...I always thought it was a larger tank to have all those nice looking corals and color, I guess you just pick them right :) I only hope that someday my acros look like yours!

Great Job Chuck!

I love the tank. Great sump too!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I've had the privilege to see Chuck's tank several times in person and I can tell you it's always looked perfect :) Congratulations Chuck and very well deserved.

Best regards,
Thanks guys for all of the nice words. As always I continuously try to improve on it. I just today added a 2nd chamber to my calcium reactor (from MyReef) ... will see how that does in helping my Calcium and pH levels ....

Kevin, you not only have seen my tank, but you also have little pieces of my tank there with you :)
I too have had the privilege of watching this tank progress in person. It's a well deserved honor. Keep up the great work Chuck!!!

Beautiful setup. A lot of thought and planning obviously went into this. Great colour! A very well deserved award.
Thanks Flame and MB ...

Special thanks go to Mushroom Boy for helping me get all of the plumbing together and installed when I set it up ... He helped a lot along the way ....


Great Tank!! This really shows what time, and effort can accomplish. Great article about the tank. Keep up the great work.
:beer: JADE
First off, CONGRATS CHUCK! Like Rocky said, it was just a matter of time before you got the honors. :) And I too thank you for all the absolutely amazing shots you have taken for us to drool over (especially all of the Harlequin pictures).

Secondly, a moderator needs to pin this thread to the top!

Keep up the great work Chuck, and don't ever stop taking pictures. But most of all, enjoy your tank. Good luck with everything.