tank setups


New member
i want to know what kind of tank setup does everyone have? dimensions, substrate, lighting, filters, live rock etc.
6 gal eclipse tank, 3.5" DSB of southdown sand, feather caulerpa, 5 lb piece of Ultra Fiji, handful of rubble & snail shells, and a nice open piece of manono rock that he hides in, due to the openness of the rock & all the tunnels though it. Standard NO lighting for now, but will be upgrading to a 13 watt PC smartbulb. Filtration by the eclipse hood, weekly water changes, and macro export.
hi kennard.
ive got 2 - 20 x 14 x 16 all glass tanks, a fluval 403 canisters on each.
ive just put in 5" of sand from the local dune and 4 large peices of lr.
i have 2 fluros (marine glow & power glow ) to keep the caulepra and radianthus anenome alive.
some shells and lr rubble plus 3 small hermits.