Tank updates w new adds

LL a flourescent tube anemone, I have one just like it. It's great, but a few sick fish have met their demise in the dreaded but beautiful tentacles. I wonder about other fish that have disappeared in my tank, and have actually caught it devouring others (e.g. chromis, sailfin tang). All current inhabitants don't get too close, perhaps they have learned the hard way or by watching their buddies bite the dust.
Yeah I have heard of tube anemones eating some fishes.. But
I have had one for about a year, and does pretty good. I tend to put him in an area where he could strech out and not get in the way of anyone. All my fishes tend to keep a distance from him.

My spiny lobster is doing well, but they do grow pretty fast...By next year say around March-April, he will be too big for Bernies tank. Mine went to a 90g tank and is loving life. Never attacked a fish. But he is well feed.
They can be found for around $24, for a small, and then more for bigger ones...Coral Reef Farm has been getting them pretty often lately, and they are $24 there.
I got the Tube anem at the town and country LFS, they have good stuff for decent prices, but not much of a coral selection though. Thanks for all the comment and compliments.
The tube nem, like mel says really doesnt move, however it turn directions if it is not secured, a couple days ago I saw it sting some Blue dot zoas I have, I moved itsd direction and today was right back facing that way. I had to move the zoas. Most fish know to stay away, those that dont DINNER, same w the lobster. But overall, very nice looking creatures, not too much risk.

P.S. - Aquarium depot has a new tube nem, same color, not as big. Malice, the tank is 28 bowfront!! Thanks!
I don't know for sure, but mine hasn't moved in over 4 years+. Attached to a nice big piece of liverock and has stayed there ever since. It has strectched up and to the side some at times, but has never relocated. Despite the fish losses, I love it. Also, I think the fish it ate were already weak and probably would have died anyway, at least believing that makes me feel better.
hey if any one is looking for the spiny lobster or the purple tube nem, I went by aqurium depot in town and country, they had them both still. Any one with a FOWLR or Predetor Reef, they had a giant panther grouper, giant violitan Lion Fish, and giant trigger, Just giving the 411 if anyone is interested!!