Tell me if this is a good size for fish only


I want either a 84l x 24w x 30h

or a 84l x 30w x 30h

I want to stock it with the following

1 clown trigger
1 niger trigger
1 sohal tang
1 dog face puffer
1 large tomatoe clown
1 angel (queen,passer,blueface or majestic)

Do you think it's a good size for the following.
I would think so, your first tank size is 262 gallons and the second is 327 gallons. The 30" width tank would be better once the fish are full grown.
Go with what you could afford, both of those tanks are more then aduquate sizes in my opinion. as always bigger is better. Thats why I plan to DIY.
LawDawg made a good point...... go with what you can afford.

The bigger tank is 25% bigger..... that is 25% more sand, LR, circulation, water (RO and salt) ....... 25% more everything.

sure the fish will appreciate the larger tank, but if it puts you just over the edge with regards to what you can afford to run, then that makes for a lesser, not a better system.

if you have the 25% extra time and money, then go for the bigger. it is obviously better :-) But the smaller tank is still more than adequate for your choices I would imagine.

I am a long time planning a 180 - when I finally move home. The space is there, and the money is there, and the desire is certainly there ...... but I don't think the time is there to maintain a 240 or 300 - otherwise i would go for that, but I just have to draw the line somewhere between what I want and what I have the time to look after AND be able to sit back and enjoy once in a while.

Good luck,
With a tank that large, I'm assuming that you plan on keeping the Clown trigger to maturity, and if so, keep in mind that often the fish will decide to make it a "Clown Trigger Only" tank eventually.....similar results are often obtained with Undulatus Triggers and Clown Tangs, no matter how large your tank.
Sometimes the extravegant beauty of a fish is a clue to how it will turn out in the long run, with only the truly capable species confident enough to swim around in a "tu tu".......go ahead, let the others laugh if they dare!:smokin:

I know this a old post. I was trying to find something and ran across this.

Well, it safe to say I went with the 30
can we see a pic of that tank??? did you get all the fish you wanted to get??? any more??? WOW soooo many questions that you did not answer ;)
I would go with 30 inch wide too. In the long run you will be a lot better off having a little bit wider tank.