The biggest Mantis Ever!!!

The NY Times is doing a story on this. I can't imagine why. Lysiosquillina occur throughout the Indo-Pacific and often get larger than this animal. All this story shows is that these are animals adapted to living in muck.

Gonodactylus said:
The NY Times is doing a story on this. I can't imagine why. Lysiosquillina occur throughout the Indo-Pacific and often get larger than this animal. All this story shows is that these are animals adapted to living in muck.

Hey, at least you got a mention in the article.

Not sure I would want to eat the mantis after it came out of an open sewer.
Yeh, but it wasn't worth the effort. After spending a lot of time on the phone with the reporter and a morning scanning and sending the NY Times several photographs of these animals, they didn't use the photos and still included the statement that this was the largest L. m every recorded from Hawaii. I have a preserved specimen from Hawaii setting on my desk that is larger than the one taken from the canal.

~~~~~~I can't *believe* someone ate something that came out of the Ala Wai!~~~~

To add to that I can't *believe* there's actually one that big!!!

Whats next giant bristle worms! *ugh :hmm2:
Whats next giant bristle worms! *ugh
Depends what you consider giant. I will have to check some sources or as Dr. Ron, but I believe bristle worms can commonly grow up to 1 meter in length in the wild.

I know I have heard of big tank reefers (180G+) finding ones 18-24 inches long when they have had to break down to more their tanks.
