the building begins


New member
i have started to build the stand for my 100gal. i got 90% of the wood cut today and built the bottom. here is a pic and i plan on taking many more pics and posting them for input. here is what i have so far. this the bottom that the sump is going to sit on. this is also just the frame. i am going to put a piece of plywood on top of frame. i will up load more pics to show what i mean later
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all boards are 2x8
Very good. One thing I would do different is to use an open frame with plywood on the bottom. That will give you an extra few inches which you might need depending on what skimmer you get. I learned the hardway before and couldnt fit the skimmer I wanted. Also fiberglass resin the entire bottom to make it water tight and then paint it. Take a look at the 75gl sps tank thread here. that is the one I am doing now.

i used the 90 degree angle stainless steel brackets to hold all the corner legs together. and a left angle bracket to hold the top and the legs together


i used a 1 inch board on top cut tp the exact size of the display tank and screwed it into the top 2x8s
and the final product

now i have this guy living in my tank. he hasnt messed with my fish yet. kris said he lived in his tank just fine
Tank looks good!

And cute crab... KILL HIM! When ever I start having coral polyps disappear I find a new crab in my tank. He'll be fine with fish, but if there's not a lot of food he'll eat what ever he can including corals. I get kind of excited when I see one, it usually means a two or three day trapping spree, catching everything but the gorilla crab. Just my opinion.
Kill the crab?!?!? Do you know what it went through to get there? That baby hitchhiked in rock I got from Oki (3 days in transit!) Its lived through when my nano crashed, and I didn't feed it for at least a month!

Take it to the O' Club and cook that baby up!

(Do you need my lights?)