The first on my block..


New member
Since I got focked out of the 130gal.. ive decided to be the first one on my block to go bare bottom in the 55gal.. ive had nothing but bad luck with my sand and LR, so going to start over one more time and just make it as simple as I can.

Im going to empty out the fuge in my sump and place all the livestock down there so I can pretty much keep the sump going with the skimmer and empty out the main tank and clean it up. need to find some starboard and cook my LR(this is the biggest problem), might just get some new LR from the place in Naha.. not sure yet.
dang, that sucks. sucks that you lost out on the 130g...but hopefully everythign will work out better this time around
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9463928#post9463928 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffb3t
We can build you a 180 if you want. Better than the 130. I will even design the stand for it.

I think I'll do this first, only reason I wanted the 130 was the price was good and it would have given me a chance to start over.

If my contract stays good and we do move, I'll definatly look into going bigger.. but for right now, think ill stick with what I got. :(
ok.. so here is what im thinking. Right now my return pipe is in the top of the water by about a 1/4 of an inch. this is good if the return pump decides to turn off, it wont drain the main tank.. but, what im thinking of doing is making the pipe longer and bring it all the way to the bottom..

might also drop my closed loop outputs down some too. not sure on that though.. its easy enought to try different hights, so I can mess around with it pretty easily. Im also going to redo the intake on the closed loop do to the fact that I cant take to much water out of the main tank without air getting sucked into the closed loop system.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9465392#post9465392 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TheDeparted
ok.. so here is what im thinking. Right now my return pipe is in the top of the water by about a 1/4 of an inch. this is good if the return pump decides to turn off, it wont drain the main tank.. but, what im thinking of doing is making the pipe longer and bring it all the way to the bottom..

A small hole drilled 1/4 inch from the water surface will be your anti siphon hole and will prevent the tank from draining
OK.. I cleaned out the fuge in my sump.. im thinking about putting al my coral in there and just doing daily water changes while I get new LR, clean out the main tank and modify the pipeing the way I want to. only problem I might have is the lighting.. my T5s wont fit into my stand.. anyone have any ideas on temporary decent lighting??

I figure the water changes wont be that hard.. Ill just add water to the ex-fuge area and it will flow over into the return pump area and just feed into the tank.

tempeture might be a problem though.. im hopeing that the cool water in the return section will help keep the water in the ex-fuge area down.. pluse I can add some small comuter fans that I have to the top of the sump.

Jeff.. yea, I know about the hole.. figured that was a givin.. ;)
Put the coral into that bucket, put a powerhead in there...put your lights overtop of the bucket. arent your lights on legs...then just get some orion crates or something to set your lights up on. Just rig something up...its only temperary...

clean everything out then.
thats an idea... i like the idea of putting them in the fuge area more and more. with them in the sump, I can do a fast saltwater drip, this will be like doing a constant water change, all the extra water will flow over and into the rest of the sump area. And then when the tank is set back up and Im ready to match water in the fuge area with the rest of the tank, I can stick the hose comming off the "T" in there and do a slow flow.. after an hour or so, the water should be the same.

But again, the tub wouldnt be that hard either, just worry about water temps with them in there..
Ok.. the bare bottom saga has started... got what livestock I have left moved down into the old fuge area. so I now have a skimmer made for a few hundred gallons skimming about 25 gallons.. should clean the water up nicely. :)



the tank still needs a good cleaning, but I have all the old sand and water out of it.. going to redo some of the pipeing while its down and clean up the closed loop pump.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9673816#post9673816 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
Sweet. new start!. id put all NSW in there....

thats the plan. once the tank is ready for rock and water im going down to fill it with water from PPM.. let that run for a bit. then get rock from the place on 330 in Naha.
well im thinking about going DSB again.. was talking to a guy on thereeftank and he was telling me he has a hard time getting a lot of his coral to stay healthy in his BB tank and has to keep putting them back into his DSB tank.

I have some time to think about it.. should be able to get the tank cleaned up this week and fix all the pipeing issues I was having.
I think ive spoken about this wiht you. I cant really find to many reasons not to use a DSB. Its kinda like the NSW. Why wouldnt you use NSW here?

I think your problem was yoru water.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9687740#post9687740 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
I think ive spoken about this wiht you. I cant really find to many reasons not to use a DSB. Its kinda like the NSW. Why wouldnt you use NSW here?

I think your problem was yoru water.

Problem was definatly NOT my water.. problem was reuseing old sand, and pulling LR strait from the ocean... putting livestock in before the cycle was done. putting more livestock in and it dieing off.. the water was fine.. my coral was growing.. it was the moving creatures that I had problems with.. that and a huge build up of detris. I lost several fish, shrimp, anenomes, hermits(I just pulled about 40+ hermit shells out of my tank cleaning it). that was the problem.

I dont know how you can think that RO/DI water and salt that thousands of people use very successfully in the states was the problem..