I put one, about 3" long, in a tank with lots of rocks to hide in, plenty of deep sand, and a juvenile puffer (maybe 6" when stretched out). The mantis freaked the puffer out at first, but the puffer persisted in attempting to sample the mantis...then the mantis hid. So I figured it would stay hidden and be okay until I could get a new, small tank set up, and went to work (I got it in the morning and I work evenings). Well, I came home and the puffer looked distressed, with a little scratch on its face. "Good," I thought. "The mantis is holding its own, defending its territory." Then I proceeded to look for little stalk eyes, to find where the mantis had made its temporary home. Meanwhile, the puffer started scooting back and forth, which it does sometimes when it's pooping, and I noticed it was pooping...shells.... I then took out every single rock, freaking out my puffer and the blenny and damsels I keep in there, but my worst fear was realised...no mantis (or anyway, no intact, living mantis). The puffer was distressed because it already ATE the mantis, and was having trouble passing the shells.... The puffer has since fully digested the mantis, and I have since purchased an Eclipse 6, which is cycling with LR (from the main tank, already cured), sand and a damsel.
So, the mantis may be mean, quick and smart, but it's not THAT mean, THAT quick or THAT smart. And as far as puffers go, they may be sociable and not at all aggressive toward vertebrate tankmates, but even a skittish one will devour anything with legs (although I've had a blue-legged hermit in there for a year and a half without any attention from the puffer). An expensive lesson--my puffer has doubled in value now. I can't blame it though. I'm feeding it pieces of crabs from the grocery store now, and it loves them. It eats them shells and all! But mantis is a delicacy it will only taste once.
So, the mantis may be mean, quick and smart, but it's not THAT mean, THAT quick or THAT smart. And as far as puffers go, they may be sociable and not at all aggressive toward vertebrate tankmates, but even a skittish one will devour anything with legs (although I've had a blue-legged hermit in there for a year and a half without any attention from the puffer). An expensive lesson--my puffer has doubled in value now. I can't blame it though. I'm feeding it pieces of crabs from the grocery store now, and it loves them. It eats them shells and all! But mantis is a delicacy it will only taste once.