THe so called "Fresh water moray eel


New member
one of the local petstores got one in and he has his in freshwater however on this site it says they like a brack system better

how do you set up a brak ,,, do ijust add a little bit of instant ocean salt??

im not trying to be hatefulbut dont' post a bunch of stuff saying that this eel doesnt exist, cause i have seen it today

happy reefing;)
Honestly bro, I have no idea what you see in that Eel. :confused:

Unless you want to set up a Complete awesome looking Brackish water tank, with scats, monos, puffers, archers, etc.

But as far as dedicating an entire tank to that type of Eel, ummm...I guess what ever makes you Happy.
There is indeed one species of Moray that inhabits brackish to nearly fresh water naturally. There are a number of interesting brackish water fish that could make a brackish tank alone worthwile. A mangrove or two in a brackish set up and you'll have a neat habitat perfect for Archers and Mudskippers ;)

I make my brackish up using IO salt to a specific gravity of about 1.010. A little fluctuation in salinity in a brackish tank is very normal, so you don't have to obsess with numbers :)
That eel in the pic is a brackish eel put looks better in SW. We called it a "Goldflake Moray Eel" not sure about the scientific name.
I've got a 45 gallon brackish setup right now. I use regular IO salt in it. Do not use the "aquarium salt" that comes in the little milk carton containers, not the same thing! My brackish tank is what got me into saltwater. Its a great way to have some really cool/colorful fish without having the more demanding things of a Salt tank. I've got a 5" Archer, 3" Datnoid, 3" Green Scat, 2" Red Scat, Orange Chromide, Green Spotted Puffer, 6" Silver Shark Cat, and a 14" Freshwater Snowflake Moray Eel.


I use two HOB power filters, one large Penguin, the dual setup, forget how many GPH it is, and then another medium size Penguin. Then two small MJ400's in each corner of the tank. Figured the fish would like the flow in there. I mix my salt up different all the time, anywhere from 1.008 to 1.016. This is because brackish water fish live in an evironment where the salinity fluctuates all the time. Not much more to it other than water changes. I do a change once a month, just because I feed heavily. HTH
I've been owning a freshwater moray eel for over a year and have really enjoyed it. I keep it in a brackish water tank with a green spotted puffer and a mono. They are not social creatures and prefer to entwine themselves in lace rock. I have a large piece of lace rock for mine. You can always see his head sticking out. I feed him raw shrimp with long handled pinchers. I love the way he comes completely out of his hiding place to get it. If you want to get a full body look at him you will have to wait till the lights are out. He is a night feeder. He may not be the most attractive of all the eels, but he is interesting to watch.
Actually, no Muraenid is "truly" freshwater or even brackish, for that matter. Some species are more tolerant of salinity differences and are, therefore, able to travel into various limnic areas. However, this is a short lived location, with the eel going back into its more preferred marine habitat. Any moray eel maintained in less than seawater conditions for extended periods of time will experience problems in the long term.
Wow, that's a necro!
Anyway..we can get them in too.."Freshwater snowflake moray eel." They are about $25. It is my understanding that the smaller ones are actually freshwater/brackish..but as they grow they need to be given a more marine environment in order to thrive...We ordered one, came in about 10 inches long...put it in an empty livebearer tank (salinity 1.008)..didn't eat...raised salinity to about 1.013 and it got a lot friskier and began to eat..lived for about a week after that though. a nearby LFS hasn't had any luck with them either.


I ran a LFS for several years and tended to have good success keeping these morays in water around 1.010 to 1.014. They often won't eat for a couple of weeks, but if you feed them live grass shrimp that tends to get them started. I would then wean them to frozen krill. They do tend to be pretty aggressive with smaller fish though, so companions like archerfish or a scat or datnoid would be fine.