Thinking about a clam....


Premium Member
My tank is about 6mos old, Amm 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, Alk 11dkh, Ca 400ish, ph 8.2.

Tank - 75g
Lighting - 2 20k XM 175 watt, 2 39 watt T5 Actinic 03's. Lights are about 6" off the water surface, no shield.
PSkimmer - Urchin Pro with the mag upgrade

I have a fuge running on an inverse lighting cycle. Pods are reproducing well, all corals/fish are fine. I feed Dt's and mysis once per week.

I was planning to add the clam in about 3-4 months once things have stabilized more to my liking.

I'm mainly looking for a critique or suggestions on my setup. Also, would the clams do ok in the sand (4" dsb), or should they go higher in the rockwork?

JMO, sandbed types are the lowerlight clams, whereas maxs and croceas in particular are better in the rocks. Croceas are called "boring" clams for a reason.
Well, that makes sense. In many of the clam tanks I've seen they put most of the clams in the sandbed. I kind of liked that because I didn't like the idea of the "jumping" I've heard about.

The crocea's I've seen in the wild were always in the rocks and not the sand.

Do you think I have enough light for crocea's and maximas?
certainly if they're in the rocks in the middle and up in the tank. Probably regardless you have "enough" light, doesn't mean the clams wouldn't like more, but they won't die or not open up under that lighting.