thinking of a 180 fowlr


New member
I have had a lot of fresh water tanks and have not messed with any salt water for a few years now. Im planning on getting a 180g tank and plan on doing a fowlr. Im a fan of the triggers and puffers and angles. Im trying to get a ideah of how much live rock and sand im gonna need. I also plan on getting a rr tank so that i can have a sump. Any suggestions on equipment and fish would be greatly appreciated.
Well, a lot depends on how many animals you want to keep. Since it's a FO tank, you could use a wet-dry and a refugium, for example, and not have any live rock, but I suspect 100-200lbs would help in any case, by supplying some natural terrain and possibly live food.

I'd suggest a protein skimmer, and from there, most of the regular reef equipment, probably without a calcium setup, unless you want coralline coverage.

This thread has a lot of pointers to startup information:

As far as fish, I'm fond of Pomacanthus maculosus.