Premium Member
i think mantis are cool...yet i would dread one in my 55gal reef...for obvious reasons, all the fish dead and eaten, and 55gals of water on my floor if he likes glass boxing.
so what is a good set up for a single mantis. 10gal? acrylic no matter what right? just a hang on power filter...or do i need a little skimmer like a backpack or prizm
just some suggestions please! figured it would be a cheap COOL thing to have!!
also, where can i get a bright colored one for cheap
also, anywhere i can learn more about these facinating animals?
so what is a good set up for a single mantis. 10gal? acrylic no matter what right? just a hang on power filter...or do i need a little skimmer like a backpack or prizm
just some suggestions please! figured it would be a cheap COOL thing to have!!
also, where can i get a bright colored one for cheap
also, anywhere i can learn more about these facinating animals?