this $*%@# disease is going to make me quit


New member
What ever causes this mantle curling condition is driving me crazy. I had a big squamosa which exibited the condition off and on for months. I would fresh water dip and the condition could go away for a while. Two days ago I dipped three of my clams for the same reason and this morning those three and one more are dead. I have three remaining squamosa, one gigas, one crocea, one maxima and one hippopus which are unaffected. I hope they remain that way. I guess the fresh water dip is only a temporary solution. This makes me so mad.
I feel your pain. I have recently lost 2 maximas to this same thing. I hesitated with the fresh water dip on the first one so I tried with the second one figuring it wouldn't hurt to try since it seemed to be fairly healthy still. Woke up the next morning to find it dead.
clam sources

clam sources

Several people have asked for the source of the clams. I really don't think it is fair to say where I purchased them publically but I have replied privately and will continue to do so. I have other clams from these same sources which are doing just fine.