Tiger cowrie Eggs?


Hey! I think my cowrie laid Eggs
I can't get a pic but she? has been sitting on them for almost 2 weeks
Anyone know how long before they hatch ?
Baby cowries have a free-floating veliger stage, so it is unlikely that any of the babies will survive; powerheads, skimmers etc. will kill them and corals will eat them. If you move the eggs to a separate tank with an airstone for circulation they may have a chance. I have no idea what the veligers eat, maybe phytoplankton?

If you are going to try to hatch them document everything because it's never been done successfully before to my knowledge.
another non-success?
I was going to try and move the rock with them on to another tank but when I looked today they are gone!!!
I'll keep looking to see if any survived
Thanks for the help
Next time ???