time to go


In Memoriam
how do i get an established mantis out of an established tank.the mantis and has been in the tank since start up i suppose.(feb 2003).she has many homes.2 that we know of for certain.the tank is a 125g reef.she has now killed 2 sps frags and 2 zoo colonies.the latest victim was a zoo colony today.we tried to corner her in her left side apartment to no avail.we didnt mind her in the reef until she started messing with the corals.we have lost some fish.possibly to her or to disease.not sure which because they just dissapear.dont want to point blame without proof.i've heard that the mantis traps are a joke.anybody have an idea short of sitting in front of tank with small hook and mysis shrimp.
Can you share the theory behind the mantis killing sps frags and zoo colonies?

If you want the mantis out, your best bet will be to remove the rock it is hiding in while it is still in the rock. Most likely the same way it was shipped and arrived in your tank.

Good luck.
she took an acro frag and chewed it up to use as a door for one of her apartments while she is away.that way the blenny cant get in.the other frag she just chewed up.the zoo's were on a rock that she must have really wanted.she chewed up the rock and ate the zoo's.she left another type of button polyp (must of tasted bad) on the substrate.she also took two pieces of candy coral(must also have a sweet tooth lol) and used to block the entrance to her other apt.
Certainly seen them drag around rubble, but mine have so much to pick from they leave the corals alone.

Been able to snap a pic of our little friend? You'll likely get a few offers to provide it a home.
traveller7 said:
Certainly seen them drag around rubble, but mine have so much to pick from they leave the corals alone.

Been able to snap a pic of our little friend? You'll likely get a few offers to provide it a home.
I'm considering asking for the little guy.
if you know of a way to get her out she is yours.i'm going and buying the new sprite bottle tomorrow and putting a good chunk of mysis in it.hopefully she'll bite at the idea and my wife will see her.then i'll put her in a bowl with a rock in the fuge untill you can come get her.she's really gorgeous.thats why we origianally wanted to keep her,but shes too destructive.by the way,shes a spearer not a smasher.got her in some tbs lr.
now i dont know why you sent me this in the form of a pm instead of posting it,but.............

I really appreciate you giving me dibs on the Mantis but I think I am going to pass.
Lakeland Fl seems to be an hour and a half away(not too far I guess). Im also not quite sure how to take care of the little guy yet.
Would certainly rather make sure he's gonna be happy.

Thanks again!

next time just post it so i wont have to do it for you
next time just post it so i wont have to do it for you

PM's don't come in as Undisclosed - Should have read Private message from Puterguru.
imgrtful said:
now i dont know why you sent me this in the form of a pm instead of posting it,but.............

I really appreciate you giving me dibs on the Mantis but I think I am going to pass.
Lakeland Fl seems to be an hour and a half away(not too far I guess). Im also not quite sure how to take care of the little guy yet.
Would certainly rather make sure he's gonna be happy.

Thanks again!

next time just post it so i wont have to do it for you
Slightly RUDE response I believe?
I initially thought you said I don't know WHO instead of Why, my mistake.
Anyways, was just saying thanks. CHILL OUT!