To Dallas and others.....

I will sell one of you guys a purple mantis.If you want it please post your location,your asking price,and why you think you should get it.If you win you'll have to tell me how to ship it.I know how to pack it etc.but how do you send it next day and stuff?Remember your trying to get a 2" PURPLE N.wennerae.Good luck!
:bum: :beer:


Well I am located in Illinois and would love to give him a great home, have a 29gallon tank setup and running now for 6 months without a mantis. The tank is to be a species (sp?) tank just for him, has pvc tubing for his cave and tunnles already to go, just waiting for the right mantis to come along.

Purple is my favorite color and I think he would do very well in this setup. I have done alot of reading on these guys and am sure I am ready to go ahead with the feeding and care of one.

Let me know MantisShrimp, Please and thank in advance.

Also I have already said I would pay $25 for him, in case you forgot.

Dallas Jo :D

Oh and I will let you decide on the shipping :D

Next day would be best I think, due to the weather here ... HOT!!!
Being in the middle of summer, or during a cold winter you always want to go next day air. I use Fedex, some people like Airborne Express better. I packed mine, before, in a gladware plastic dish, like tupperware but cheap. Taped it real good and then put it into a 1 gallon ziploc freezer bag. Make sure there is a lot of packing material around the pack so it can get jostled a little without getting damaged and tape the bejeezus out of the outside box. Carriers will not send a box through if it starts to leak. No need to get scared though, just pack it thoroughly.