Too much LR?


New member
Can there be such a thing as too much live rock?

i'm going to be setting up a 30 gal within a few days ( hopefully ) and i really want a lot of lr, there is a lfs near me that sells it for like 5.99 per pund if you buy more than 50, would that be too much?
Well, a lot of live rock isn't going to hurt anything, but you won't have much space for fish or corals at some point. 50 lbs might be a lot or just fine, depending on the density of the live rock. The density does vary quite a bit. You might be able to get the vendor to show you about how much space that amount of rock would take up.
I think alot depends on shapes, sizes, and how they fit into your tank. But you do have to remember The more LR you add the less swimming room you have.