too much?

Mike de Leon

New member
i have a 135 aga with a juv blueface angel, a large achilles tang, a maroon clown, a six line wrasse, and a yellow tang. I have a hippo reserved and im planning to get 3 chromis in the future. ( would show you pics but dont know how)
I had an MI reserved, but the lfs sold it anyway.:o
is this too much? if not would i be able to add any of the reserved fishes above? THanx
p.s.-how do you post pictures?
I'd do the eggcrate trick, segment off a portion of the tank (or make a "box" out of eggcrate for one corner) and put the new fish in there with some macro algae for cover ... after 5-7 days the established tang will get tired of slapping at the eggcrate, and will be used to seeing the new tang ... and should let him settle in. I've done this for a few fish and it's worked quite well.

When thinking of what other fish "fit" think about where they live ... for example you didn't list any sort of sand goby or bottom dwellers, or perching fish such as a longnose hawk. Cardinals tend to fit in easily too, because they just float inobtrusively at the top :)
heres my yellow tang, nemo, blue face angel and my achilles before it died.
Aww those are nice.

The yellow tang at one of the LFS here is really cool, it's in the big frag grow-out tank, last time I was there the owner called him ... he zoomed over ... then scooted over near his hand, and put his little fin against his body and leaned over like waiting for a cleaner fish or shrimp ... then the guy rubbed the yellow tang with his fingers and the fish looked so pleased. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it .... I wonder if I can train mine to do that lol.

Is the angel OK with your corals?
ya he hasnt been niping at anything...
i put a crate on top of my braincoral so he wouldn't even be able to touch it. don't want to take any chances but my clam is doing suprisingly fine. he took a few nips at it, but then he left it. the last time i covered it, was when my idol :( was pecking at it.
the matle was ugly and an invert with such nice colouration shouldnt be covered heres the clam