Trimming Shaving brush plant???


Active member
Thinking about giving the shaving brush a buzz-cut. It is one of the last refuges for cyano in the tank and has taken to harboring hair algae within its branches as well. It's gotten worse since the fresh-water incident last week, when it had branches melting.

Has anyone done this before? Successfully?

The plan is to get a pair of scissors (just for the reef after use here) and trim during the weekly water-change while siphoning out all of the clipping.

Ultimately I'd like to move it into a better flow-area, but know that it's established where it is and moving it would likely kill it entirely. Any input or suggestions?

Mine collect microalgae too. I hate that! I just siphon the algae off when I do a water change.
Neither siphoning (during water changes) nor 'blowing' (with a turkey-baster) have been helping over the past month, so I finally pinch-trimmed it back to about what it was when I first got it.

I'll put up a pic tonight, but hope it still pulls through. It had collected quite a bit of 'crap' within its branches: red slime, green slime, red tear algae, sponge growth and eggs of various critters.
2 days after the trimming and this is what the parent now looks like (with the best sprout yet included).
