turtle grass for nutrient export


New member
Florida Pets says that Turtle Grass is better at absorbing nutrients than macroalgae or Caulerpa.

Florida Pets Turtle Grass Link

Has anyone grown the stuff and seen its efficiency at absorbing nutrients? I've seen the amazing growth rates of macroalgae, and it's hard to believe Turtle Grass can compete. Also, how do you harvest the stuff if it has such deep roots. It definitely looks cool though.
I've been growing and selling the stuff for several years now, and wouldn't make that type of blanket statement based on my experience. I haven't seen any research to sugest it would be better than macro's either. It can adsorb nutrients, but it's slow growth rate makes it less effecient than fast growing macro's at removing nutrients from the water column. The one place it does excell at removing nutrients better than macro's is from the sand bed, via it's roots. In general I don't believe there is any best thing for nutrient removal, but rather think a mix of maco's and plants works best.
billsreef said:
less effecient than fast growing macro's at removing nutrients from the water column. The one place it does excell at removing nutrients better than macro's is from the sand bed, via it's roots.

Yep, yep! I've even had it growing with hair algae growing on it! :eek1: