Eventually. They probably will mate when you put them together and they may even cohabitat in the same burrow, but sooner or later they will not be able to get far enough away from one another and a fight will break out. Alternatively, one will molt and the other will cannibalize her/him. Also, if the female lays eggs, she will probably attack the male.
There are a number of monogamous lysiosquillids that will live together happily in one burrow for years, but I know of no gonodactyloid (Gonodactylus, Odontodactylus, Pseudosquilla, Haptosquilla) that will live together for mor than a few days.
I have been able to keep a couple of Odontodactylus havanensis together in a 125 gal tank with lots of room to build burrows and even this doesn't always work.