Two Painted Fairy Wrasses in a 180g?


Cancer Sucks
A friend of mine is taking down his tank and I'm trying to find out if I can take his painted fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solarensis), considering I already have one.
I think they're both males, but I don't know for sure.
This will be in a 180 gallon tank.
I wouldn't do it, it may work out at first but I doubt it will work long term. I had a male and "female" peacock fairy wrasse in a 240g. Turns out the female was actually a subadult male that was smaller than the male. Lived happily together for the first 4 months. Yesterday I saw the "female" flash the male and then attack the larger male. Damaged his head and his tail is ripped to shreads. Wedged himself under the rocks and was breathing heavily. Every time I tried to get him out he would take off but shortly ended up lying under the rocks again. I haven't seen him since this morning so I am pretty sure he finally died.
Thanks. They'll actually be moving into the 180 at the same time. He's taking down his tank at the same time I'll be moving to the new tank.
ObscurityKnocks, after reading that, maybe I'll re-think it. I mean, that's your actual real-world personal experience.
You can have two different species of fairy wrasse even if both are males as long as they are not highly similar in appearance. If you put two male fairy wrasses of the same species, you will end up with only one. It is not clear that the larger one will be the one to survive. (I collect fairy wrasses in my SPS320).
