Unprovoked demo for CD


New member
I made the mistake of introducing my wife to topdank's Clams Direct web page a while back and have been regretting it ever since...:D But tonight she asked me to take some pics of how well her two maximas and her crocea were doing lately and how they have grown. One of the maxima pics turned out SO much better than I expected and I thought I would show it off a little. Since I'm plugging toptank's sight anyway, I'd like to thank him for his help with the peppermint shrimp. I lost two georgeous small clams due to these shrimp, and I would have never thought they could have been the cause had it not been for his prodding. I'm happy to say that our clams really are "happy as clams" now. :D
Flame*Angel said:
Beautiful clam, I love the pattern. How big is that one?

Thank you very much!

He is at least 5.5" right now. Looks more like 6". Hard to measure. I can't remember what I bought him as. I think he was listed as a 3.5" or 4" but he seemed much bigger, and he has grown at least an inch in the past couple months.