update on 150 gal display


New member
I just wired in my new 250 ice cap mh ballast. I am still waiting on my harness kit and bulbs for my T5's that I am going to change for the pc lights in my hood. Lionel how is the acro doing in your tank. I have some acro's doing awesome, but then I have some that keep rtn for some reason. I have been using a red sea phosphate kit that says I have b/w 0-.1 ppm. I am currently dosing vodka for the last month. I should be getting some zeovit products next week. I just started using prohidbio last weekend. Well here is the new look for my tank. Also here are some pics I took last weekend from above. My camera isn't very good at getting good shots.






do you have a tripod or can you put your camera on micro... cause i bet those pictures would look really good... exspecially the second to last one... good stuff man

can you do a write up on your tank... just kind of a whats what... i really like your set up man...
no i don't have a tripod and i fiddled with my camera and it is adjusted on manual with macro. i am going to fiddle with it more. I don't know the exact names for all the sps I have. I have a few more frags in my tank now that I didn't get. I just can't get over it because of the center brace without getting my camera wet.
those are some awesome looking corals! where did you get such colorful stuff? i cant find anything like that, and its killing me! i think my tank is so bland.. lol
thanks! I love to see an update on your tank man. Well next time i go out i will give you a call. All are doing good. Everything in the back is alot brighter now since i wired the t-5s in tonight. I had to use an old fixture and wired in 2 39 w korallen zucht t-5's ( fiji purple, and their new coral light 14k). I will take somemore pics sometime this week.
bnj what is the name of the 2nd coal pic in the first p;ost. i have 5 frags that came off mine but do notknow the name
no not yet. I need to get a new camera. I got a lil drunk at the Marine Corps Ball and dropped my camera! Well I will find a way to get some pix on here as soon as I get this sump up and running. I am going full zeovit. I got the reactor now I am waiting on getting this sump together and my order from premium aquatics ( need supplements!). Also before I can run my zeovit reactor I need my timer to get in as well. Will update everything when I get a chance. Hopefully I can get more coral in the tank as soon as my wife can watch my daughter. She is still recovering from surgery last month.