Updated shroom pics for the weekend


Premium Member
Hubby got fancy with the camera tonight and took a few really good pics i'd like to share :) (Darn white lights went off during the shoot!)

Here's some new ricordia from donavonsreef, i got some new bubble mushrooms from him too but they were misbehaving for the camera when i moved their rock to get a good angle


my gold yuma's playboy spread


the two together before it went to just actinics

My special sanctithomae

My supermans
Thanks guys you flatter me :) I should beg him to take a FTS for me for easter but heres one from mid-march (a few things have changed since then!)

Awesome rics and sanctithomae. I can only get dark purple sanctithomae here. Your sanctithomae is good.
Christie...Great shots! It really is to bad the white lights went off...LOL
Where did you get that great red bubbly ric?

Why dont you have any background or paint to block the equipment?(Unless you view it from both sides...that's what it looks like)
The red one actually came from my LFS. We have one in town that is just excellent and she has awesome suppliers, I am very lucky :)

I'm not sure I want a background yet. I have been viewing the tank from both sides and its great because of all the little critters and what not that live in it.. the 55g is so thin its hard to want to block off your viewing area.

I am tempted to buy some black cardboard from the local craft store and prop it up in back just to see what it would look like but when you see the tank in person from the front (with the window behind shut) you don't quite see the back of the tank as theres so much to look at its nearly at eye level