updated web site


Active member
I want to give Pedro A big TY for updating our club web site and finally making it into something we can be proud of. This is just the new basic template but he and the board have some big plans. If there is anything you would like to change or add please post it here. Again Ty Pedro for the time and energy that you have spent.
Thanks for the kind words, guys.
I got tired of everyone complaining about how lame the website was. I've got some ideas for future projects, but of course I welcome suggestions from the members at large.

Check out the slideshows of the last two Frag Swaps (links on the Current Events page). Soon we will have more slideshows of meetings and events, thanks to NanoKat's (and other contributors...hint hint) great pics.

Now you can show your significant other "See, honey, I really was at the FMAS meeting" :D
Thank you Pedro great work'
In order to advertise the club I think we should design an avatar that club members can download and use on the different message boards.
Fish2, great idea. I know a few people on here do some crazy graphical art, I forget who though. Maybe they'll do something like the Manhattan reefers have, razorback reefers (I think tennessee or arkansas area), etc. That would be ballin. I would definitely rock the FMAS.
Pedro, Great job! We are definitely heading in the right direction, I suggest to use some flash and maybe some more exiting subjects n the menu, something like members faces and tanks

Lulio, that is a great idea, I will love to see some of that crazy art.
Maybe member profiles with a pic of the member next to their tank and a few paragraphs, no personal info. We can set some guidelines and I could set up a form where they can upload the pics and enter the text.