UV Sterilizer?


New member
I'm looking to get a UV Sterilizer for my tank. I have a 75 gal. with a 20 gal sump. I've seen the ones on ebay for around $50. They are a Jebo I believe. Are these any good? If not what recommendations do you have. Thanks.
jtaliman, how old is your tank and what has got you thinking about adding the UV? I've had one since the beginning and so I can't say how well it's working. It may be the one thing keeping my tank alive, or it could be doing nothing at all....I've just read some posts by people who don't believe in them and I've wondered if it were really necessary.

PS...mine is the Aqua Ultraviolet with the wiper....very nice product.
Thanks for the responses. I'll check these out.

Cameronsloan - My tank has been running for six months now. I'm interested in a UV sterilizer because I've heard they help against ick (I have a tang) and they help keep the water clear.

Thanks again for the replys.
Running a 57 watt Aqua Ultraviolet, but I am pushing 950 gph through it. It works great, havent had a problem with ich since I installed it and the water is VERY clear.

Got it from championlighting.com, btw.
I have several tangs but yey never had ich.I only got one recently because I have heard its good for stopping bad bacteria.I thought it might be better for the corals.
i have the 18w turbo twist for my 90, i had a green algae bloom after a mystery overfeeding (kids) it was gone overnight but still had the phosphates to deal with it, with ick it kills it in the water column, no help if a fish already has it, the turbo twist is easy to clean too