Virginia Mantis?


New member
Hey everyone-

I am told that Squilla empusa lives in the lower reaches of the Chesapeake.

I'm curious if anyone knows:

About how far up the Chesapeake it lives?

What other Mantis Shrimps can be found in the Chesapeake area?

I'm asking because I'm thinking of setting up a tank. Since I live in VA, it might be kind of cool to have a local in my tank (don't have the slightest clue how I'd collect it, though!)


lol ma live about 15 mins from colonial beach i dont know if theres anything up there but im pretty sure thats part of the bay since there tons of sea food restarunts around there lol,Chris

ps i also may get sme form my lfs for free since they get them on rock sometimes n i know the owner hehe
Squilla empusa has been reported as far north as Maine and is fairly common as far north as Woods Hole. However, it appears that in the northern portion of its range, it lives subtidally. It does occur occasionally in the low intertidal in Virginia and is fairly tolerant of brackish water, so it should occur inside the bay.

and what would be the chances of seeing or catching a few of these guys on a day out on the bay?
Slim! If you could find the burrows, they are easy to collect, however. The burrows are about an inch to an inch and a half in diameter and are a u-tube about 2 - 4 feet long. I often find them by walk on a mudflat at a very low tide and watching for water squirting out of a burrow when I step on it If you can identify the two entrances, you can usually force your hand through the burrow until the animal pops out the other end. A light glove helps.

Are you familiar with the fishing pier around the 3 mile marker on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel? I was about mid pier bouncing a bloodworm off the bottom when I had a light tap. Up came a 7" pale yellow spearer mantis.

That was about three years back. Anyway, they are at least mid bay. :)

S !