Wanted Colorful Frags


New member
I have a 180 that has about 150 lbs of LR and now I need some colorful coral frags so I can let it grow:) I am broke now that the tank is set up so please let me know what you have.
I have a 180, 3x175 MH's 4x 96 blue actinic's and a pretty good filtration and decent flow.

I do have some items to trade if interested:

pro clear 200 wet/dry
48 inch PC lights
4 - 96 watt 10k PC bulbs straight pin's

Thank you, Rich-

I have some samller frags I can spare. I am trying to clear out some room for other things.

PM me to let me know
I am looking for any and all of the above I have plenty of room and lighting so all are welcome. :)
The Pro Clear has been spoken for as for the lights I am really just looking to trade for a nice frag package, what corals do you have?
I have some eagle eye zoos, green center zoos, orange center zoos, brown zoos, yellow tipped torch, and some kenya tree coral.
Where are you located?

Thank you again for the frags I have them place I actually used "AQUAMED" puddy. My lights had gone off by the time I got home so I really did not get a chance to see them so I cant wait til tomorrow morning. I was very nice to meet you and you have an awsome tank!!!!!!
Thats great, nice meeting you and your fiancee

Before you know it you will have the tank filled up and looking for more space..