What a morning!!!


New member
Going to bed last night, everyone was happy, things were fine. I woke up this morning and didn't really notice anything, not really being awake yet and all. When I get out of the shower, I notice things look 'funny' in the 10g I've had running for the last, wow, 5 years.
I saw one fish dead, looked around, saw a dead arrow crab and looked further and saw another dead fish. I pull the canopy and the pump isn't working. I try changing sockets, I pull the pump and shake it a little, no change. I knocked it on it's side and then 'smoke'! While trying to get it unplugged, I burned with hot plastic, then as I start to get the plug out, I get shocked. Then, for icing on this cake, as I'm carrying it to the sink, I get this 'stinging' sensation, apparently some bristle worms got inside, shorted things out and it's friends made a run for it but not after giving me something to remember them by.. losers..
Now I'm trying to find a replacement pump for my 10g. The pump I did use, came with the canopy, it was one of those 'sets' some LFS sell. It's output runs up into the canopy where the filter cartridge is at, it also has a secondary output back into the tank. It's a small 120V/60Hz/10W pump. Does anyone have ideas where I might find an older pump like that? I know the LFS around here carry something like it but I would have to replace the canopy as well. I'd like to find just the pump. Is there a place to find old parts?
Can you get a picture of what your talking about? I might have one of those over head pumps in my junk box.
I'll bring it home from work tomorrow. I spent part of my night tonight trying to find a supplier. I'll get a pic up then.