What Did You Pick Up At The Swap?!


Well it was my first official Swap. I was impressed by the corals there and look forward to going to others. I will have pictures of everything I have by tomorrow when they are all opened up. But! I did pick up some really really nice zoanthids and montiporas from Jon(Cali) and some awesome zoanthids from a few people at the swap. I also picked up a baby Bangaii Cardinal and am putting it in my Biocube for now. So what did everyone else pick up?!
a bunch of SPS, ummm idk what they are lol
Blueberry something
orange digi
blue stylo
green slimer
some deep water acro
and a few others

but i do know a 5 lb piece of Marco rock, and a RBTA with an anemone crab on board and a bucket of reef crystals, some PE mysis and vitamin C
but i do know a 5 lb piece of Marco rock, and a RBTA with an anemone crab on board and a bucket of reef crystals, some PE mysis and vitamin C

The one from the back room? Check out the shot I got of them!


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    ABC_REEFS 0431.jpg
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Haha, that crab was a steal!! No really...lol.

I missed you at the SWAP today wille! I didn't get there until around 1pm, so yeah..lol.

If we want to go into details:
-LA Lakers
-Tubbs Blues
-Kedds Reds
-Orange People Eaters
-Purple Deaths
-Others that had no names but they were nice to look at so I purchased them

-Todd's Torch

-4" disk w/ Tyree Superman, Sunset, Rainbow
Mike- nice meeting you bro, always nice to see other young(er) reefers. If you have any issues, just lmk.

Brandon- sorry I missed ya man, I wish people had nametags because it would make finding people a LOT easier lol.

Everyone else, nice meeting/seeing you's! The store is very nice and I'm sure I'll be back. Diverdick LMK when your in town because I forgot to grab the birdsnest from ya! :(

PS- CULLY, u take ppl on a tour w/o finding me?! LAME! LOL I'll have to make it out again soon man!
Mike- nice meeting you bro, always nice to see other young(er) reefers. If you have any issues, just lmk.

Brandon- sorry I missed ya man, I wish people had nametags because it would make finding people a LOT easier lol.

Everyone else, nice meeting/seeing you's! The store is very nice and I'm sure I'll be back. Diverdick LMK when your in town because I forgot to grab the birdsnest from ya! :(

PS- CULLY, u take ppl on a tour w/o finding me?! LAME! LOL I'll have to make it out again soon man!

I was on call last night, got up at 4:45 to deer hunt and got to ABC at 11. I was too grumpy so I went home for a nap. Back at 1 and you fruits from B-Low were already gone. WTH. Wish we could have hooked up dude.
I saw you, but by the time I got to the front end of the store you had left with some peeps... oh well, I'll be out again soon!
Lotsa acros from Cully, dendro, porites, ricordea, and clam from ABC, setosa and phonape from Jeremy, and a lot of ideas to add to my wish list.

Good showing all. Great amount of traffic, good vibe, and smiling customers!
I picked up a really nice yellow ricordea. I have been looking for one for a while now I am really happy I finally found one!
From pisces I got a couple of his zoa frags (a pink and an orange) and from ABC a green ricordea which I love and I finally got my seahorses! Two female H. erectus that are doing great so far! I'll post pics when I get the corals in my DT; right now they're in my DT under PCs and they look a bit washed out.
I picked up a couple of heads of frogspawn and a bucket of salt.

It ended up being a long day for me. In the morning I drove from my house in Rochester 25 miles east to pick up my new nanocube, drove home to unload it, then made the trip to Syracuse. After that it seemed like a good idea to hit Turningstone, then drive back to Rochester.

On the plus side I won a little bit at the casino. After paying for the tank, frogspawn, salt and a tank of gas I finished the day with about $20 more than I started. Not a bad day at all.