what else should i put in my 125 reef


New member
i already have a:
Naso tang 6"
Achilles tang 4"
lawnmower blenny 3"
clown goby 1/2"
sixline wrasse 2"

i was wondering what else i could add to really complete my tank.
All of these are reef safe and they have great personalities. I would recommend one though they produce a good bid of bioload.

Blue Throat Trigger
Niger Trigger
Crosshatch Trigger
Pink Tail Trigger
Sargassum Trigger
Depends on the trigger. The list that dwhit0102 gave you represents a few that are. Although you never can be 100% sure. I would go with a Blue Throat Trigger. They have a good reputation for being Reef safe and they do not get as big as some of the others. Unless you have big bucks to lay down for a Crosshatch.
Yeah the crosshatch is my dream trigger and those are the only types that I know to be reef safe. The best thing I think about the pink tail trigger is as it grows it becomes more passive. We had one at the shop a few months ago that I could pet all day long
I would look at a Dottyback/Basslet, they may have problems with the six line wrasse though. Also look at one of the smaller pgymy angels though they may pick at some corals and clams. A Rabbit fish or Fox face will also do very well in the tank. And finally a Marine Betta is really cool in a reef tank.